This course was specially designed for PhD students and researchers and aims at promoting the development of transversal skills, particularly those concerned with the publishing and scientific writing processes.
The main goals are:
- to enable participants to publish articles in a more successful way by developing a more systematic process of writing and by doing the most appropriate choice of the journal to publish in, taking into account its content and impact among the scientific community;
- to train participants in the peer-review process, especially in the review and correction of articles. The course is structured in six sequential modules that replicate the writing process of a scientific article, starting with its context and going through the whole process until the final stage of dissemination.
- Professor: Mercedes Filho
- Professor: Cristina Maria e Silva de Sousa Lopes
- Professor: Luís Miguel Meireles Bessa Costa
- Professor: Teresa Alexandra Cardoso de Oliveira Ramos