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Sistema ECTS en la UVA

Sistema ECTS en la UVA

por Miguel Diaz -
Número de respostas: 0

Dear all,

In the «Universidad de Valladolid» (Spain) the credit System is exactly as it has been explained  in the videos. 

At the UVa, as well as in all the «Castilla y León» universities, 1 ECTS corresponds to 25 hours. Each academic year has two semesters of 30 ECTS each. So, the total workload of a student in hours is 1500 for one academic year. 

Concerning degrees, the distribution of ECTS is the following:

  1. Bachelor's Degree, 240 ECTS, 4 years.
  2. Master's Degree, 60 to 120 ECTS, 1-2 years.

Each module or subject within a degree has a public "Proyecto Docente" or "Educational guideline" that includes information about Competences, Leaning Outcomes, Contents, Methodology, Assessment, Tutoring, Workload Estimation (in hours) and Basic bibliography.

Here you have an example: